Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Feb RT Den Leader Breakout Notes

February Round Table (March Activities)
Compassion: Being kind and considerate, and showing concern for the well being of others. Cub Scouts will develop care and concern for the well being of others by participating in the effort to collect items for charities.

Orbiter and Fall Orbiter I have employed a scheme of learning and games to good success. Here are two examples. It is like musical chairs. There is one fewer chairs than boys. The extra boy is the Sun. The other boys are each assigned a planet (Mars, Jupiter, etc.) The sun orbits around the chairs calling out the names of planets. The planet (boy) called gets up and walks (orbits) around the chairs with the sun. When all the planets are orbiting, the den leader yells Blast Off. All the boys scramble for a chair. The one left standing becomes the Sun.

Animal Charades
Boys pick a slip of paper from a hat that has a name of an animal on it. Then they act out the animal by either making the animal sound or acting like the animal or both.
Ideas include: bear, dog, snake, bee, cat, tiger, butterfly, bird, monkey, lion, elephant, etc.

Human Knot Each person grabs hands with two different people across a circle. Group works to untangle itself. (leadership, everyone important)

Blanket Volleyball Divide group into two teams, each with a blanket held like a parachute. Toss in an object that is volleyed from team to team using the blanket for propulsion. Can add multiple objects..

Tigers Den Meetings 13 & 14
Meeting 13
ELECTIVE 27. Talk with your adult partner about what to do if:
The adult who is caring for you becomes ill
You are alone with someone who makes you uncomfortable
Possibly do this as a gathering ie have a few simple mazes and these 2 questions on a piece of paper and have ready for when the boys and parents arrive.
With a toy phone practice making phone calls and answering the phone.
For extra fun, use a real phone and have the boys call your home phone or the # they are using and leave a message. Play it back so they can hear themselves and practice!
ELECTIVE 12. & 15.
Make at least 2 cards or decorations and take them to a hospital or long-term care facility. Using crayons mix the primary colors to make orange, green and purple. Since this activity is in March consider making St. Patrick's Day themed cards or decorations. Ask the adult partners to help the boys deliver them.

Meeting 14
Go See It: Pet Care and Learn about Animals
Options for go see include : Veterinarian, pet groomer, pet store, nature preserve, animal shelter, science teacher (with animals) or farmer (with animals). Another option is to have someone come to you!
ELECTIVE 43.. Field trip or visitor (see above)
ELECTIVE 31. Learn about an animal. Use questions from Tiger Handbook such as: How big is the animal? Is it endangered? What does it? Where does it live? How long do they live? Etc.

Wolf Den Meetings 13 & 14
Meeting 13.
Elective 14 Pets
Invite 1 or more scouts to bring their pets with a parent making sure there will be no pet conflicts! Schedule in 10 minute increments if needed. If no one has a pet (in our pack's case) then invite a vet, dog groomer or other person with animal knowledge.
Learn how to greet a strange dog, read a book about a pet and tell what it means to be rabid. If u have a special guest consider briefing them on the requirements and having them run the discussion and book time.

Meeting 14.
Elective 10 a
American Indian Lore
Read a book or tell a story about American Indians, or if you know an American Indian invite them to come and tell a story.
Elective 10 c , 10f , 1 a,1 b,1 d

Learn some Indian word pictures, make some traditional Indian clothing and write a simple message in code using white paper, a q-tip and milk.
Ideas for Indian clothing: A head dress made of consruction paper and feathers or a vest made from a brown paper sack. If you make the vest or head dress have the boys write a story using the Indian word pictures they learned.

Also have the voys write a simple message in the Indian word picture in milk aka invisble ink. I have used lemon juice which the book suggests, but I think the milk works better!

Bear Den Meetings 13 & 14
Take care of your Planet
Meeting 13
ACHIEVEMENT 5b. Now is a wonderful time to finish up your birdhouses or start them if your last den meeting didnt allow time for them. Remember you can buy the BSA kits at the Scout Shop, use recycled wood from Home Depot (must acquire scraps, make a pattern and pre assemble BEFORE the den meeting), or from another store like Hobby Lobby or Michael's.
Finish up any requirements from last d
Take care of your Planeten meeting.

Meeting 14
Home assignments : 6e. 6f. Each boy should lead a discussion at home about what kinds of energy their family uses and how to conserve it.
6d. With an adult they will check faucets for leaks.
Do at least 3 out of seven of Achievement 6
6a. Save 5 pounds of glass or aluminum or one month of daily newspapers. Turn them into a rectclimg center or use your community services.

A fun activity is a recycling relay. Two piles of possible recyclables and trash items. One recycling bin one trash bin. Two teams. Once leader says go, the boys run and find a recyclable or trash item and place it in the correct bin.

Pollute a pool and then clean it up.
A great gathering activity when u are talking about recyclimg is to take small kiddie pool and fill it part way with water. Then "pollute" the water with the boys. Then have them try to clean the water. Some things they will be able to easily take out, but use somethings that they cannot. Like food dye, sand, etc.

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